
Front & Center
Buzzer Beaters
2006 BENJI Awards
by Ben Johns
Most Tragic Soda Discontinuation
        I think Digan would agree with me, Vanilla Coke being discontinued is quite simply a crime. So it tasted a little fake. So it might have had a bit of a strange aftertaste. Bottom line: it was a good soda, and will be missed.

Most Award-Winning Bassist
        For her hard and eventual grand prize-winning work on "Cherokee," Erin Leroy walks away with the crown, facing essentially no competition. Here's to you, E-Leroy. Next year's jazz ensemble title? Erin Leroy and the FM Cool Cats.

Fast Food Employee of the Year
        So many choices here. Do we go with Subway All-Stars the Campbell Brothers? Or maybe Burger King's star employee, Pat Baker? No. Instead of going to a Cazenovian, at long last, the Benji Award for Fast Food Employee of the Year is coming home. Pat Farnach of Fayetteville McDonald's, come on down, you've earned it!

Best Getman
         Lindsay. Kate. Lauwen. Mr or Mrs. When the committee debated this award, the decision eventually came down to who had the most trouble with his or her R's. Although Joe deserves some credit for being the only man of the house, Lauren Getman comes away with the innaugural Best Getman Award.
Best Impression
         Last year, JP's Fountain impression stole the show, inspiring numerous prank phone calls and lots of laughs. However, a bold new competitor rose up this year. An impression born in the boys' locker room, so piercing and irritating and true to the source that it caused that kid Evan to ask us to stop doing it. But we didn't. We just kept bragging about how many Chuck E. Cheese tokens we had. Congratulations, McKeever. The Rudes Voice is the new World Heavyweight Champion of Impressions.

Best Refugee
         Why the long face? Nicole Morales came in and "rocked us like a hurricane"-- uh, too soon?

Best Gator, fueled by Gatorade™
         Joakim Noah was going to win this award in conjunction with its sister award, Ugliest Gator, but when I called him to congratulate him and invite him to the ceremony, all I heard was the sound of him screaming and pounding his chest. Therefore, I had to scramble and find another Gator. Thus, I reverted to Facebook, where my only friend at UF is Sarika. Congratulations, kid; at least you're not a Seminole or Hurricane.

The Jim Rome™ "Listen up, Clones" Memorial Chicken Sando Award
Yo Rome,
I don't think that the Chicken Sando Award should be given out this year. It's a stupid award and it's not as tasty as other awards.
The Double Cheeseburger Award
(Dan in Syracuse)

         So, I myself am a double cheeseburger guy. And after the legendary night at Dubroff's house, I had a gaping hole in my stomach. A hole so epic that not even the mightiest of Crunchwraps could have filled. There was only one prescription: MICKY D's. (Also, more cowbell OH SNAP I WENT THERE.) This award is given to the participants of the year's greatest McDonald's run. This year, it was McKeever, Bob "Robert" Ryan, and myself. What a run.

Best Girlfriend
         So things didn't work out for now. Oh well. Meghan Mowwison Virgina McCrimmon still takes the cake as the best girlfriend of the year, mostly by default. ... Summa my buses!

the ben and john show fan club Memorial Award
         The show has stopped, but the outpouring of support from Caitlin "The Other Caitlin Doherty" Dougherty and Leah "Sig" Sigle has not. You two will get a cameo when we hit it big, you have my word.

The Schwab Memorial Sports Trivia Award
         This award of great prestige is given each year to one outstanding member of the Around the Horn Club for exceptional knowledge of sports trivia. I knew the recipient of this award deserved it when I asked him if he remebered former Georgetown big man Ruben Boumtche Boumtche and he followed up with a story featuring Ben Wallace pegging Ruben in the head at an NBA practice of long ago. The heir apparent to the Schwab, it is with great pleasure that I bestow this award upon Joseph Dubroff.

Smash Brother of the Year
          Although Pat and Chapman have made a strong showing, Jim as Kirby at Hyrule Castle is practically unbeatable. Jim, however, needs to experience the world of Melee, where I basically cannot be touched with Marth.

Best Cafeteria Staff
          Who doesn't like the pleasant greeting of "Mahy'I help you?" when purchasing a sausage, egg and cheese sandwich every morning? Although the other lady has come up strong lately, Mrs. Burrows is this year's Cafeteria Staff of the Year.

Longest Boat Ride
          After the epic, friendship-altering jaunt through Caz Lake on Memorial Day with Clare, I felt that I had to give her an award, and I realized that since there's no way in hell she's winning Best Campbell :) I had to come up with another. That was seriously a way-fun boat ride and I'm really glad we reconnected like that, and have become very close friends.

Best Online Humor Site
          Dalton Axenfeld changed FM forever when he had me look at a strange site whose URL was You're The Man Now, has taken FM by storm and sites like Books Your Kids Shouldn't Read and Cosby Bebop are now legendary, along with phrases like "All your base are belong to us" and "tarding out." Max can add this prestigous award to the ol' stockpile.

Person Who Was Angriest About Not Getting An Award Last Year But Tried to Play It Off Like He Wasn't
          Although Doug Campbell had some choice words for me when he failed to win Best Campbell, "Mad in Manlius" Mike Arthur was the frontrunner for this Award, which he, unfortunately, will be unable to defend next year.

Best Car Accident
         Inspiring much controversey and crazy whirlwind stories, Lindsay's unfortunate backing into an old man's car in the What's Your Beef parking lot--or was it Armory Square?--takes the cake as this year's Best Car Accident.

Best Hall Monitor
          In his rookie season, Mr. Kline has made quite an impression on the Hall Monitoring scene at FM High School. Rocking the leather jacket and Harley like he came out of the womb equipped as such--maybe he was--Mr. Kline just looks like a badass. (Except the baldness and glasses.) But he IS a badass, because he's a former prison guard. Better luck next year, Mrs. Corbett and Ms. Wall and Mr. Zello and weird short lady.

Best Convenience Store
         I still remember the first time I went there: two summers ago with Max and JP and McKeever and maybe Hickey? We bought some random food, marveled at the sheer awesomeness of the place, then went back to Glen Eagle and played Neutral Nonsense. The Nice 'n Easy, or the SLEAZE, if you will, has the power to be THE pothead magnet at FM for years to come. Sitting around there eating around midnight counting the number of stoned FM students and alums who stagger in is a favorite pasttime of The Confederacy.

The Mountain Dew Award
         This award is given to someone who could probably use a few Mountain Dews to perk up, because he or she always looks tired. (Not to be confused with the "Where's My Dew" award.) We all know that person who stumbles into class looking like they just rolled out of bed five minutes ago. Some are vocal about their tiredness, deciding they are in a very unique position because they didn't get as much sleep as they like. Others just put their head down and slumber silently. Today, we salute the latter. Sid Malak, congratulations, your chronic lethargy has bagged you your first Benji Award!

Best Quarter Award
         Businessman: Well, as you can see, doggone earnings report messed up our fourth quarter.
(ESPN the Phone: They scored a record-breaking 37 points in the fourth quarter!)
Fat Guy who Looks Like Mike Golic: Wow, GREAT QUARTER!
EEEEEEAAAAAAAAYYYYYHHHHHHHHHHH!!! (Manual buzzer.) The fourth quarter wins this award. Winner, winner, chicken dinner. It's 3:01 AM and this is the last award I'm doing. Can you tell?

Worst Beverage
          I don't see how you degenerates can sit around guzzling Mountain Dew™ Baja Blast™ while you eat your Taco Bell. The taste is just too... watery and bitter to be a good compliment to the crunchy, spicy, melty, cheesy food you crave. If I were a Taco Bell drive-thru™ employee, I don't think I'd let people get the Baja Blast; I'd just say we're out and force them to get a real soda, like Code Red, instead.

Best Use of a Belt in a Myspace Picture
         The competition was stiff, but the committee eventually decided in a hotly contested 1-0 vote to give this award to "Chaser," in the now famously awful picture of her in sepia tone with a belt wrapped around her neck. Don't quit the day job at the Bonefish quite yet.

The "Guac" Memorial Large Sprite Award
          Taco Bell has all the cheesy, spicy, melty food you crave at the Fourthmeal. Unless, that is, your name starts with a K and ends with an "Athleen Digan." Digan, a staunch supporter of the practice of the "Bell run," doesn't actually like any of the food served there, with the possible exception of the Cinnamon Twists. Her ideal Bell meal doesn't contain any kind of Crunch or Chese or Baja--only the pure, lemon-lime goodness one can only find in a large Sprite. For this unquestioned dedication to the Bell, and for the fact that Guac is the most amazing human being on Earth, I present the Large Sprite Award to Digan.
TACO BELL MOMENT OF THE YEAR: Going there at Ball and having Guac give us Caramel Apple Empanadas because and ONLY because we knew Mike McLean. Weird-ass shit!

The Deer Hunter Award
         Pat Farnach: 1. Deer: 0. That's how the scoreboard reads at the moment, as Pat successfully mauled a deer on the way to my house this fall, and the bastard couldn't do anything in retaliation. Congratulations, Pat, you earned this one.
Honorable mention: Dave Chang.

Best "That's What She Said"
There have been so many of these, it's probably a crime to pick just one, but in terms of shock value and forum, I'm going to have to give myself my first award of the night. Mr. Alderman was doing some demonstration, and he made a quip that "Physics teachers have the BEST toys." You fill in the rest. Ok so that one's not as good if you weren't there. But certainly best "That's What She Said"-ers are Meghan McCrimmon and Daniel "God"* Blumenthal.
* - For the Jews, "G-d." For the Christian Scientists, "YAWEH." For the Scientologists, "L. Ron Hubbard."

AC -10 Award
         As in Goldeneye, the origins of this award are a mystery. Sam Harrison wins.

Game of the Year
         This is that big award they give out relatively early so people watch it before they give out "Best Picture." There have been so many good games this year, from classics like Streets of Rage II and RBI Baseball, to modern day hits like Blitz 2001 and MVP 2005. When all is said and done, however, no game has made a splash quite like Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey, for N64. Three-on-three arcade hockey action has never been better. The finishes are almost always close, and different tandems go from skillful to legendary, such as Johns-Arthur scoring 23 goals in a game, or Arthur-McKeever finally taking down Johns paired with Farnach (sub-award: Worst Gretzkyer: Pat). Stats are a huge part of the game, too. Who can forget the 81-shot game? Or the time I scored 11 in a period? And no other game that was nominated for this award has a little thing we call Ambulancing. Congrats, Great One. You may not be the best player in the game (Messier is... or maybe Jagr, or Fedorov, or Yzerman, or Roenick, or Lemieux), but your game is a giant among men.

Best Ben Kweller Cover
         Ned, "Lizzy" was awesome, keep your stuff coming.

The Pentatonic Award
        Although I am tempted to give this award to McKeever because he was talking about the minor pentatonic without knowing what it was, the lock for this award is Michael Chapman. Shredding on pentatonic licks as the lead guitarist for Coaster, Chapman has taken the pentatonic from an obscure scale used as the basis for most Eastern music to a way of life. It's also nice to mention that Chapman can actually play the lick from the Power Rangers theme song. Wow.

Best Chuck Norris Fact
         They're all so old that they aren't really that funny anymore, so I will present you with an ACTUAL fact about Chuck Norris: He was once named Jewish Humanitarian of the Year. (I know-- "WHAT?! HE'S JEWISH?!" Sure is. He's also 66 years old. Chew on THAT.) Also...... what the hell, here's a good one I like. The original title of the Bible was "Chuck Norris and Friends." ............ There is no such thing as evolution; there's simply a list of animals Chuck Norris has allowed to live. .............. Every year on his birthday, Chuck Norris selects one lucky child to throw into the sun.

Most Overdone Revival Band
          Don't get me wrong, I like them a lot, but I think the recent Lynyrd Skynyrd revival has reached near-ridiculous proportions. Is it just because they're touring again, or what? All I'm saying is that you don't HAVE to use Sweet Home Alabama in every single TV commercial and movie-- there are actually other songs permissible by law that can be used, too.

Best Nickname
         This year has seen a revival of the nickname-- DMac, JDubs, Marthur, Blaze, "Why The Long Face"... but any nickname based on an STD gets automatic preference. So that being said, this year's Best Nickname has to go to Nicole "Syph" Cifra.

The "Where's My Mouthpiece?" Award
         Oftentimes, when Kira goes to play, she has this stupid habit of misplacing her mouthpiece. It tends to end up across the room, inside a folder, or somewhere random like my coat pocket. I don't know how her mouthpiece gets such places, but this penchant for losing something so vital for playing so frequently must net an award.

Worst Sequel
          Fast and the Furious:Tokyo Drift just looks awful. Like... I understand that drifting is cool, and Fast and the Furious is a proven (although crappy) brand. But like... it's not as fast-paced or intense. They're in a garage. What's next, like, Fast and the Furious: London Parallel Parking?

"Yeah, mang, it's the new thing in street racing! We parallel park now! Our drivers here, ese, they SICK at parallel parking, holmes. Use your NOS to edge the car closer to the curb! Check it out, this dude has tricked-out purple reverse lights. SO PIMP MANG!!!"


Honorable Mention: Rocky Balboa, the sixth Rocky movie, where Rocky comes out of retirement at age Avogadro's Number plus 2i to fight the current heavyweight champion of the world, Mason "The Line" Dixon. Coming to theaters, regrettably, Christmas 2006.

Paramedic of the Year
         This award is given to the man or woman who had demonstrated excellence in the field of Ambulancing. Ambulancing, of course, is the act of completely debilitating an opponent in the Sport of Kings, not horse racing, but Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey for Nintendo 64. There have been some excellent moments this year: Marthur and I dumping 20 goals for the first time, the full-ice Power Shot one-timer from the goalie, 81 shots on goal, my first defeat... for his extensive contributions to the sport, this year's Paramedic of the Year award is given to the John Stockton of Gretzky, my assist man and doubles partner, Michael Evans Arthur. Congratulations, sir.

Quit the Blow Award
         This prestigous award is named for Sam Harrison and his raspy voice, designated by Phil Pandori as that of a 40-year-old chain smoker. This year, on All-County weekend, Nicole "Syph" Cifra had such difficulty talking that she sounded like Splinter from Ninja Turtles. But it's all good, because Syph has now bagged her second award of the evening.

Best Metrosexual
         You wouldn't think of him as such, but Brian Howe is tremendously metrosexual, as he likes walking around with popped "col" and wearing short shorts. Tell him how much you appreciate the metrosexuality, and he will certainly appreciate it.

Most Pointless ESPN2 Broadcast
          It could have been the Viking Ultimate Obstace Course. It could have been the Big Air Dog event of the Outdoor Games. It could have even been the entire Women's NCAA Basketball Tournament. And that's what it was going to be... until today. I just spent about 45 minutes watching Championship Dominoes... and let me tell you, it was INTENSE. These finely-tuned athletes trained for months for this event, but only one team--McIntosh and Bailey--is headed for the winners' circle.

The Chill the Freak Out Award, presented by Red Bull™
         This award is presented to two recipients. The first recipient of this new award goes to the underclassmen of FM High School, who need to CHIWW OUT and WEALIZE that one bad GWADE isn't going to WUIN their lives!!! The other recipient is not here today to accept, but Carry Nation would have been honored to get this presitigious award. Her hatchet-toting ways ruined plenty of good booze that her husband needed to keep his sanity while attempting to live with such a bitch! SEWIOUSLY, CHIWW OUT!!!

Cisco Systems™ presents Best Tariff
          Wow. Just wow. So many excellent tariffs to choose from this year. I just couldn't decide, so I had to reach back into my old bag of tricks and revive a classic. The most outstanding tariff of the year has to be the legendary SMOOT-HAWLEY tariff, restricting the flow of imported steel, BABY!!! This tariff was not popular when it was passed, and it pretty much reaffirmed everyone's beliefs that Warren G. Harding was, and is, a douche.

The Spicy Curry Award
         This award goes to Zaki Rahaman. No reason, it's just an award, just a funny award. It could have gone to anyone.

Most Awkard Touchy-Feely Emo Half Make-outishness
         My favorite memory of McKeever and the Jessball (aka "Jesse Ball") doing their aforementioned thing in the hallway was the time DMac and I were having possibly the funniest conversation ever after seventh period, giving birth the now-immortal Mrs. Neiderprum (sp?) impression, when suddenly we got close to the given rendezvous point between the star-crossed lovers and Dan suddenly got real quiet and just said "Dude, I gotta go." I mean don't get me wrong, McKeever's responding to the call of duty, but it had to be done.

Best Name-Spelling Faux Pas
          McKeever nearly netted his second award in a row with his second grade habit of calling himself --DANN--... that's Dan, but... with another N. Emily "MLE" Flanders also came close to clipping the nets on this one, but that one actually kind of makes sense. I'm going to go ahead and take Clare Campbell here. Clare, the REAL way to spell it is Claire. C-L-A-I-R-E. People wouldn't be spelling it wrong if you just changed it to that.

Most Likely to Flunk JuCo
          AJ Richards is probably going to make a real run at success over at Caz, but I just can't see it ending well for him. It's ok though, because he can always revert to his fallback career, playing parades professionally and putting his skills in spinning while marching and playing the bassline to "Take My Breath Away" to good use.

Best Emcee
         Note the use of trendy spelling. That's how I roll. Bryan Rudes. Brian? Bryane? Bryann? Brianne? B. Rudes. Congrats.

Media Studies Commitment to Excellence Scholarship
         Dani, even though you failed to turn in at least one assignment, your dedication to our class and love for Ms. Lasda earned you this hefty fat paycheck of $"Six Seventy-Five".00. You'll receive your oversized novelty check in the mail in three (3) weeks.

Most Obscure SU Balla
         I really wanted to give this award to JB Reafsnyder, simply because Mr. Ray Kilmer took Econ notes for him in college, but I'm going to have to give it up to Elvir Ovcina, the seven-foot center from Serbia (before it became butt buddies with the great nation of "And Montenegro"). Ovcina thought he could do the European thing and step out to the perimeter and shoot threes--he couldn't-- and he probably ended up with 4 career rebounds and a 19.3% career shooting PCT as a result. Elvir, here's to you, if you're out there.
Honorable Mention: homesick transfer Tony Bland, Lucious "I called the timeout against Arkansas in the 1995 Second Round Game / But I did not shoot the deputy" Jackson, JB Reafsnyder, Melvin Tootin, Xzavier Gaines.

Most Pointless, Self-Serving Awards Show, fueled by Mountain Dew™ and built by Hechinger's™ *
          Does anyone actually watch or give a shit about the ESPYs? I'm not even kidding. The biggest joke of all is that they tape the thing on a Wednesday and then air it on Sunday. Dude, just air it when it's taped! ESPN actually posted the award winners on its own site. The only motivation to tune in is now gone, knowing who won in advance. The show is stupid because even though the fans vote on the winners, ESPN still picks the nominees for the categories. Lance wins Best Male Athlete. I like it. I don't like that Vince Young was a nominee and Reggie Bush wasn't, and Bush's 1,734 yard game (or thereabouts) wasn't even a nominee for Best Moment (but Kobe's 81 was). Vince Young had a GREAT career in Texas, and a great season in 2005-2006. SO DID REGGIE. He won the effing Heisman. Are we holding it against him that his parents got duped by some landlord? Or are we simply ONLY LOOKING AT THE ROSE BOWL and NOT SEEING THE ENTIRE BODY OF WORK PUT UP BY EACH PLAYER OVER THE COURSE OF ONE CALENDAR YEAR? ESPN's people always bitch about the "what-have-you-done-for-me-lately" nature of the sports world. Well, Worldwide Leader, guess whose fault THAT is?
* - Dude, we could totally rent that place out and have a party. Totally, we should, dude.

Elmer's Glue™ "Not To Beat A Dead Horse" Award
          Although I think he'd make a better equine filet than bottle of glue, I think that Barbaro's fate is pretty much secure after the disappointing end to his career at the Preakness Stakes. Cif and all other Horse Girls, I know this is disappointing, but next time you need to affix something to something else, and you reach for that bottle of glue, don't mourn the death of your friend Barbaro. Instead, thank your dearly departed brother-in-riding for sacrificing his body for the greater good.

Best Horse Girl
          Her freaking nickname has the word Stallion in it. How could Natalie Freaking Brandt NOT get Best Horse Girl of 2006? Sorry Cif. You've won enough. Go home. :)

Best Athlete
          Josh Buchman, Quinnipiac.

Best Pre-Class Ritual
          Performing the Miami Heat's "dah da-da dah dah da-da dah dahh!" made famous by ESPN's Finals commercials before every Economics class made this chant a no-brainer, although there was some competition from going to the cafeteria to buy Pop-Tarts and going into physics 20 minutes late.

The --Sexier With Short Hair-- Award
         Lindsay and Rachel Greene both make a serious run here, but the winner has to be Kate Felter because she doesn't have an award yet and she's a cool kid and we're both a lot cooler than we used to be when we dated. "More chill," in her genius assessment.

Best BENJI™ Awards Show Ripoff
          Sometimes the original is simply the best. See Rocky, Land Before Time, Mario Bros., if you're not sure. The same is true for the Benjis, which were clearly the best journal/blog awards show to surface last year, conspicuously about 2 weeks before all the others. But when the original is already the best and doesn't qualify for the award, you take the next best thing: the original ripoff. Sinnjinn's JUMMIES were pretty funny, and I actually won one or two. But they were still a shameless ripoff.

          Drumroll please. This is the award we've all been waiting for. Will it be Doug? Or one of the twins? Or will Bruce or 'Turry' walk away with the crown? To determine the winner, I've set up a ____athalon of various categories in which each Campbell will be assessed 0 through 3 points. So without furter ado...

Which of the Campbells...
Is a Choir Teacher?
Doug: 0, Clare: 0, Ned: 0, Bruce: 3, Terry (SP?): 2, because Caz sucks.
Has Nice Hair?
Doug: 1, Clare: 2, Ned: 3, Bruce: 0, Terry: 1.
Introduced me to "The Office" and Stella?
Doug: 1, Clare: 0, Ned: 3, Bruce: 0, Terry: 0.
Is currently experiencing "Sloppy Seconds" courtesy of me, or is dating someone who is getting Sloppy Seconds to me? (Does that make any sense?)
Doug: 1 because Dani and I hardly even had a relationship, Clare: 2 because I got all the way to 0th base with the knee touch and now Marthur has those SS's, Ned: 3 because Lily and I got lots of dirty looks at NYSSMA in 2003, Bruce: 3 because I totally "railed" Mrs. Campbell last night so he's got Sloppies, Terry: 0.
Works at Subway?
Doug: 3, Clare: 0, Ned: 3, Bruce: 1 because he hooked the boys up with jobs, Terry: 0.
Thinks I'm gay?
Doug: -3 (HomoSeneca), Clare: -3 (note these are MINUS threes), Ned: 0, Bruce: 0, Terry: 0.
Plays Marvel: Nemesis with me?
Doug: 3, Clare: 0, Ned: 3, Bruce: 0, Terry: 0.
Watches Family Guy with me profusely?
Doug: 1, Clare: 3, Ned: 1, Bruce: 2, Terry: 2 because they can probably hear it upstairs.
Is a moderately successful and modestly hot Hollywood actress?
Doug: 0, Clare: 0, Ned: 0, Bruce: 0, Terry: 0, Neve Campbell: 227.
Well, the results are in. I've tallied the results, and I've decided that the Twenty-Aught-Six BENJI Award for Best Campbell is going to...

NEVE CAMPBELL, with 227 points!!! Not Ned, NEVE. Neve is the brunette who played the chick who screams in SCREAM. She was also in Reefer Madness: The Movie Musical. All the Campbells put up a good fight, but there was no topping this young starlet's dazzling resume. Better luck next year.

Man of the Year
         Doug Campbell, now quit your bitching, you all got one, Campbells.

REAL Man of the Year
         Benjamin S. A. Johns! lol!!!!!!!11111 thatz me.

Best Spanish Teacher Donning a Shirt with Fewer than Three Buttons Done While Lacking an Undershirt
         This award was a tough sell to the committee, but I eventually talked them into giving it to... TADA!... Hugh Welfling! Spanish was fun this year, but still not as fun as viewing the Prof's MySpace (a place for friends)™. Better luck next year, Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Tzetzis.
Slacker NHS Officer of the Año
          His duties included turning on the TV and counting money. It's so easy, even a caveman could do it!™ Congrats, Chris, on getting through the year doing absolutely nothing. I came in a close second, but it just wasn't my time.
(For the record, I don't give a sh*t about North Carolina right now.)

Best Non-Traditional Pizza Run
          Disappointing directions, the Tally Hall CD, and trouble figuring out who owes how much money with two Cornell students and one Harvard student present made the recent run for Chocolate Pizza a time to remember. Congrats, girls, you had a lot of other people hoping for this one. By the way, their wings are not chocolate-covered chicken! They just call them wings so you can have "pizza and wings!"

Thank you, and good night! We love you, Syracuse!
an f-m around the horn club production©2006 (cellson cellson)