Rockies in the Outfield
By Dann "Double-N" McKeever
Rockies In The Outfield
by Dan McKeever
God is with the Colorado Rockies. There's no other way to explain it. Have you SEEN this team? Let me be perfectly clear
about this: there are Higher Powers at work here. This Rockies team just can not lose. Granted,
they're a young, spunky, and very gifted squad, so maybe God only played a partial role in their recent invincibility. They're
also team that nobody saw coming because a) they have a tiny payroll, and b) they play in the NL West. For East Coast/
Midwestern viewers such as myself, this means that I've seen about as many Rockies games
as I have WNBA games.
That was, until they became instant contenders for the Fausto Carmona
Memorial "Wake Up One Day About 600 Times Better" Award, and you couldn't get away from coverage of those pesky Rocks. There
are a number of explanations for this:
-Enough 7-year-old Colorado fans got together
and prayed really hard that the Rockies would finally win the World Series for their dying grandfathers, who had been waiting
their whole lives to see Colorado bring home the Commissioner's
Trophy. I would imagine, however, that God would have seen through this ruse, and picked up on the fact that the Rockies have only been around sine 1993.
-Large-noggined manager Clint Hurdle passed around some
of Michael's Secret Stuff before a key game down the stretch. A bunch of nobodies (Yorvit "Don't Smell Very Good" Torrealba,
"Didn't You Used to Be" Kaz Matsui, Brad Hawpe on Pop, and Bill Murray) suddenly became unstoppable. By the way, I just saw
a "Caution: Kaz-Mat" sign being waved in the crowd at Game 4. We're sure this is America,
2007, and not Japan, 2002? God is clearly
-There was a kind of baseball butterfly
effect, where the breeze created by the Mets' folding like a lawn chair on the East coast propelled more balls through the
thin air at Coors Field. I'd say it was implausible, but Omar Minaya just offered Ashton Kutcher 3 years, $45 million
to close.
-This is my favorite: A modern-era Angels In The Outfield story, where one of Travis Henry's Denver-area
children asks his father (whom he shares with eight other known half-siblings) when he's coming back home. His cynical response
is, of course, "when the Rockies win the pennant." Frowning upon Henry's wild-oats sowing,
God decides to teach the Broncos RB a lesson by sending Christopher Lloyd (having recently knocked the acting rust off
in DirecTV commericals) to carry the Rockies all the way through "Rocktober." JUMP
Signs to look for to prove this theory (my roommate Casto and
I have been playing the roles of Roger and J.P. throughout this saga, looking for every possible shred of evidence that God
is helping the Rockies):
-Kaz Matsui (one of the lightest hitters on the team) getting a back massage from an apparently
invisible pair of hands just before hitting his unlikely grand slam in Game 2 of the Phils series.
-Any and all
comments made by catcher Yorvit Torrealba in reference to a third chili dog he ate before the game in which he hit the
winning 3-run homer.
-The ball taking extremely improbable bounces with two outs to foil infielders and give the Rockies second chances. Oh, wait, that already happened in Game 4...
-Centerfielder Willy Tavares
flying an extra ten feet through the air to catch a key fly ball, as if supported by an invisible helper. Dammit, that
already happened too!
-Those commericals where Dane Cook salivates over the Diamondbacks. The Rockies
winning the NLCS could be the first sign that Dane's idiotic commericals have incurred the wrath of a vengeful God. If
Dane is killed by a moving car in front of a group of onlookers in a superme twist of stand-up based irony, I will have proof
positive that God loves the Rockies.
(Wait a minute...God...Diamondbacks...banishing
evil snakes...Garden of Eden...I'm freakin' out, man.)
-Matt Holliday's questionable home-plate slide that won the
one-game playoff with San Diego. Not only did he appear to
have a little extra push on the slide, but he also looked like he phased through Barrett's foot to "cross" home. His chin
also healed awfully fast for a guy who apparently attended the Trent Green "HeadFirst" School of Full Contact, don't you think?
fact that D-Backs starter Micah Owings looks exactly like that kid from Not Another Teen Movie. This really has nothing to
do with the Rockies' divine intervention, but I'm in conspiracy mode right now. Let me be.
separated at birth?

Rally Monkey THIS! |
-I'm watching game 4 of the NLDS. 2 outs in the ninth, with Eric Byrnes at the plate. The Rockies are one out from clinching
their first-ever World Series berth. Manny "Habeas" Corpas kicks, deals, and...
The cable goes out. The cable hasn't gone out all year. The weather outside is perfectly calm. The cable stays down for about
45 seconds. When it comes back, the first thing shown on the monitor is a Rockies fan holding up an eerily prophetic sign:
Cut to: The victorious Rockies celebrating on the field (the cable stayed down just long enough for Byrnes to ground out).
I swear to God this happened...and at this point, I can't even say I'm all that surprised.
-Finally, the most damning evidence that the Rockies are getting a little boost from the man upstairs: The fact that THE COLORADO
FUCKING ROCKIES HAVE WON 21 OF THEIR LAST 22 GAMES!!!! That do anything for you? God's not even trying to be subtle anymore.
First the Biblical plague of bugs at Jacobs Field to push Steinbrenner and Torre's Goliath Yankees out of the playoffs (God
is apparently a small-market team kind of guy), and now the balls that have done nothing but bounce Colorado's way.
Frankly, the only way I sleep at night as a Red Sox fan is by remembering a key plot point from Angels in the Outfield:
God only helped the Angels win the pennant. In the World Series...they were on their own. Have your pennant, Rockies. Drink
up the Second Coming of the Blake Street Bombers. Let's see how you do without big, strong, God on your team. (Note: I'm only
trash-talking with this kind of cockiness because the Rockies legitimately terrify me. No team should ever have this kind
of momentum...we're talking +5 Crowd Effect in NCAA Football-level momentum.)
I should also mention that Spike TV has been showing Rocky movies the past few days, and the Rocky-Rockies parallels are
just way too obvious. It took the Rocks an extra game to make it into the postseason and beat the Phillies (loaded with MVP
candidates), just like it took Rocky an extra fight to down Apollo Creed (the heavyweight champ). Then, they took on the Clubber
Lang of baseball teams- Eric Byrnes' brash, young D-Backs. If things go my way, they'll be on a collision course with the
Ivan Drago of baseball teams- the slugging, powerful, heavily publicized Red Sox. Can't you just picture Charlie Manuel channelling
Creed's trainer in the dugout as the Rockies (at this point, still a lovable novelty) were poised to upend the Phils? "They
don't know it's a damn show! They think it's a damn fight!"
Before I go, I should confess to something: I'm rooting for the Rockies. I've officially jumped on the Colorado Bandwagon
(leading the USF Football Bandwagon by a nose). I just hope they come back to Earth if they end up facing my Red Sox. Until
then, I will continue to remain unmoved if the TBS cameras pan over Danny Glover in the Colorado dugout.

Coach, you gotta put in Kaz! He's got an angel! |
Grump, grump, grump grump!!!!
an f-m around the horn club production©2006 (cellson cellson)